Tuesday, 6 October 2009

After seeing my photo's all chained up together, one after the other, you will notice a significant change in the light; due to the fact of the sunshine dimming the lens, giving a much more darkened effect on the photo. Notice on the picture below that each photo on the right (ie as the camera panned around) the colour of the photo's become a lot more dark and you can not see as much detail as you could.

To over come this i had to add an adjustment layer to the specific layer that i wanted to brighten up, by clicking on the adjustment layer button at the bottom of the layers pannel, however the adjustment layer changed the overall brightness of the whole canvas. In order to change this i had to control click between the layer i wanted to change the brightness of, and the actual adjustment layer. These pictures below will give you a better idea.

The picture on the left shows that i was adjusting the brightness to a layer by +126. Then all i had to do is click in between layer 16 and brightness/ contrast layer to apply to that single layer, rahter than the whole canvas (picture on the right).

The next step of my project is to warp and distort lines which will align all my photo's together, and get rid of those horrible distinct lines, separating my pictures up, indicating the separate pictures, which obviously will make the QTVR a lot more better looking and realistic.

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