Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Production Log- Working in FCP

To start off in final cut pro, i had to do a few minor things such set my document size that i wanted my video to be output as (1280x720). And also in the final cut pro i had to adjust the settings, for where i wanted my documents to be saved to, the cache memory etc....

After this, i was off...... The first thing i had to do is look through each clip i had and cut the bits out, that i wanted to include in my film.

The first thing i did was click on my clips that were all stored on the left hand side in my window box. After double clicking the clip, it would appear in the left middle window video. All i simply had to do is select the begining points by pressing I, (in point) and O, (out point), for where i want my clip to start and end.

In this picture the little blue arrows/triangles indicate the In and out points i made for this clip. All i had to do now is drag it onto my timeline.

This shows you how the clip is displayed on my timeline. I can usefully re-edit this clip by double clicking it, and it will pop up in the left hand video window, or also, i can cut the clip with the razor tool as well.

Moving onto sound.... After i had all my editing finished, i dragged my background sound into my timeline. As you can see the pink points along the time line, indicate a change in the level of sound being outputted. I did this simply to lower the sound for when it is a video or someone speaking, so you can fade the background sound out. I did this by using the pen tool, and simply dragging the pink line (running through the sound layer) and re adjusting to level out the sound.

Here is all the tools handy, to my right handside of fcp. The pen tool, is the little pointy arrow at the bottom of the list.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Getting appropriate and creative commons Licence music

Before i started editing my footage, i had to find some music that was free from copy-right and was legal for me to use within my work.

The website i used is:

Here is a screen shot of the website, which has a list of different types of music in the centre of the page. After listening to a track from every music kind, i decided i wanted to use some sort of electronic or indie style music, as it fits in with my piece well, and is very flowing.

This shows you the webpage it brings up when you click on a sort of music (search results). The all i had to do is go through the list of music and choose the music that i wanted to download and insert into my piece.

Lastly, i had to make sure each piece of music that i chose, included a creative commons licence, which allows me to use their music for my work, and are free from copyright. Without this licence, i could not use the music for my work, as it is illegal and i could get into trouble.