Tuesday, 29 September 2009

1st Attempt of my QTVR: Went Wrong!

This was my first attempt of my Panarama. I chose to do my pictures in a Graveyard in Telscombe Village. As you can see ever single time i stitched one photo to another, a gap grew bigger and bigger, additionally reducing the size of the image. This was generated because the fact of taking the photos on a hill meant that it stood out like this. Because at some point i was face up a hill and then at another point i was facing down the hill meant that it was not run along a straight canvas which is simply the reason why the photo's ended up like this. WHICH IS VERY ANNOYING AS I HAVE TO RE-SHOOT.

Monday, 28 September 2009

QTVR Artist Work

This is my first online QTVR i have looked at. President John F Kennerdy was assasinated in 1963. This panarama was taken in Dallas, just in front of the place where this tragedy took place. The red building to the left is where the hitman was captured with a rifle.
I think this panarama is very interesting as it is taken in such a historic area, which makes it even more dramtic.

Photographer: Tommy Turner

Dennis Gliksman is another artist who has a passion for QTVR Panorama's that i have researched. Gliksman, started photography career at a young age (1975), taking photos in the Paris subway and later, traveling to Scotland and Egypt as a budding photojournalist.
He's one of the veterans in VR photography.  Denis started in 1995 working with Quicktime VR and has produced panoramas and QTVR objects for Apple, Renault, Nikon and many other well known companies.

Here is one of Gliksman's favorite Panorama's, which is taken from on top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 

To see the actual QTVR click on the following link:  

Will Pearson is also another great photographer. He makes QTVR's, Gigapixel images (gigapan) (allows the viewer to zoom in to see the mega high resolution panoramic images, these images can be reproduced at high quality, even when at large sizes, making them ideal for billboards, large-scale prints and even building wraps.) and interactive QTVR's (allows the user to click on hotspots that are placed in QTVR, which will take them into different destinations e.g. rooms of houses etc). I found that the gigapan was extremely interesting and i was amazed of how much quality you can see in them, and how far you can zoom in! It's mad!

To see this as the actual moving Gigpan, click the link below:

QTVR Research

"QuickTime VR moves the photographic image from the flat 2D world into the definitive immersive experience — complete with 3D imagery and interactive components".
"QuickTime VR enables viewers to explore virtual worlds using nothing more than a computer and mouse — no cumbersome goggles, headsets or gloves required".
"Photographers have embraced QuickTime VR as a terrific way to transport people to different parts of the globe with one mouse click. The corporate world has been quick to seize the opportunity, too. Today thousands of companies use QuickTime VR movies to display their products to best advantage on the Internet".

I have been set a new assignment recently as a part of my Digital Media Design Course. The assignment states that i must produce a 360 panaramic QTVR (QuickTime Virtual Reality) using a range of images/photo's taken by myself and edited together using the software Adobe Photoshop. It also states that i must create a 750 word essay explaining my methods towards this assignment and also research and updates posted on my blog.