Friday, 15 October 2010

Production Log

The first thing i had to do, is make a new composition. We were told to make all compositions 1280x720. However, on my trial bike animation, i had a 6000 px art board, so this is where i would have to get the trackign camera effect to come into play. All i had to do is position key frame and move the background along, so it would be like the camera is following the bike.

Here is the dialogue box, that pops up, when you are made to choose your size of composition. You can also choose other options such as the colour of your artboard, and the duration you would like it to end to and from, etc...

 Then it was time to get all my artwork from Illustrator. Here i had to click on File>Import>File.

 In this case, i was choosing my Rowing scene, so i had to select, the specific Illustrator file. Lastly, in class, we was told to select the Import  As: selection box, further down the screen, and select Composition - Cropped Layers. It originally comes up with Footage, but we would have to change this, simply as it includes the layers, we originally made in Illustrator, and allows us to animate the specific things that i would like to move etc..

 Here it shows me the files that are Imported into my Composition Layer libary (top left), and all i had to do is drag it down onto the time line, ready to be animated (bottom of pic).

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