Friday, 23 April 2010

Creating my scene in Flash

In this project i feel that my time management skills had to be worked out, comparing it to previous projects, where i have had to rush things at the end. So once i finished drawing my scenes in my Sketchbook, i went straight into Illustrator and started drawing them up. As soon as i finished that i literally had to copy and paste the artboard into a Flash artboard (845x475 pixels). I started to become a little frustrator on how to get things to animate from the Ai drawings.

After speaking to a friend, it was established, that anything that i wanted to animate in flash, and make it move, was easiest by either re-drawing it in flash, or deleting it out of the background layer, and re-pasting it, into a new layer. After this had all happened, i was well on my way.

My first scene is my splash page, and the only animation i have on this is the actual button. No other animations.

On this scene i decided to animate the blinking of mr croak himself, the trees shaking in the wind, the clouds moving across the sky and the sun rotating.

As you can see this is a screen shot of the animation actually in flash, where as the previous was simply the SWF's. This hot shows you what i have in my library and all the different layers i have in this particular scene. I have seperate layers for the trees, eye lids, sun and clouds. Then i have either converted them to symbols and place a motion tween on them, allowing me to control to and from where the actions/movement take place. Or i have inserted keyframes, and moved the object in that particular frame, and then change the position again, in the next keyframe. The only two layer you cannot see are my buttons and actions layers. These are simple. Literally on the last frame of the scene i have inserted the buttons, so they appear when the scene is finished and the actions layer simply consists of action script in the last layer, and basically stops the voice over and scene from looping.

Here is the actionscript:


The stop command stop the movie from looping, and the load movie command is place on the different buttons allowing the user to move to the next or previous scene.

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